Jury and Awards
The theses submitted will be evaluated by an interdisciplinary jury. The jury is currently composed as follows:
- Valentin Vogt, Entrepreneur & Manager
- Dr. Stephanie Mathes, University of Zurich, Centre for Dentistry
- Prof. Dr. Rudolf Marcel Füchslin, ZHAW School of Engineering
- Prof. Dr. Stephan Scheidegger, ZHAW School of Engineering
- Prof. Dr. Agathe Koller, OST - Fachhochschule Ostschweiz
- Dr. Maja Schlittler, AO Research Institute, Davos
- Marc Schindler, Board of Trustees Veronika & Hugo Bohny Foundation
- Christian Walter, Managing Director Verein Toolpoint for Lab Science
- Hans Noser, Entrepreneur & Manager, President Verein Toolpoint for Lab Science
Pre-selection is made based on the executive summary. The most interesting theses will be read and then the remaining graduates will be invited to an oral presentation. We are interested in the whole person, so we also ask for a curriculum vitae.
Our evaluation criteria are currently:
- Has the graduate understood the business case – the application scenario? Why is this a good thesis? Who benefits from it, and how?
- Is the thesis compelling in terms of content and language? Is it readily understandable?
- Has the thesis been developed in direct collaboration with industry, laboratories or clinics? Did the thesis require interdisciplinary collaboration, i.e. an understanding of perspectives other than those imparted in the student’s own field of study?
The prize money is:
- 1st place CHF 8,000.00
- 2nd place CHF 4,000.00
- 3rd place CHF 2,000.00
Award ceremony:
In September 2025, as a part of the SWISS AUTOMATION at the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Campus Rapperswil.
Veronika and Hugo Bohny Foundation