House of Lab Science

The House of Lab Science is a place for developing innovative ideas and solutions. 

The former office building at Garstligweg 8 in Hombrechtikon was the home base for various lab technology companies such as Tecan, RHOSYS and Qiagen Instruments for decades.  Spread over five floors, the premises offer the ideal facilities for future innovation in lab technology.

In cooperation with the property owner, Varioserv AG, Toolpoint has developed a concept that offers the following highly flexible options:

  • Team rooms
  • Innovations rooms
  • Meeting rooms
  • Testing room
  • Small offices
  • Individual workstations
  • Lab Science Academy

The House of Lab Science offers interesting opportunities for Toolpoint members, SMEs, start-ups, universities and institutes in the region in the following disciplines:

  • Biotechnology
  • Nanotechnology
  • Information technology
  • Microtechnology
  • Mechatronics

Sounds interesting?
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the House of Lab Science and find out more about the options available. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

White Paper House of Lab Science


Artikel Zürichsee Zeitung Frontpage vom 26. März 2020 (German)

Artikel Zürichsee Zeitung Frontpage vom 21. April 2018 (German)

Artikel Zürichsee Zeitung Seite 3 vom 21. April 2018 (German)